1Custom Web Design – Insurance Agency2

1Life Drawing, Postures2

1Communication Designer, Web Designer, UI Developer, Photographer2

1Interactive Multimedia Installation, Memorial and Museum Sachsenhausen2

1Responsive Online Shop2

1Seaspan Virtual Tour2

1Web Development Studies – British Columbia Institute of Technology, 2014—20152

1jQuery Tutorial2

1JavaScript Online Game2

1Event Photography2

1Over 10 Years of Website Design & Web Development – View samples from 2004—20132

1Print & Branding2

1House Of Commons
MP Website Program, 2009—20132

1Platform Vancouver2

1Educational Software, Game Design & Development2

1Life Drawing, Dr Sketchy2

1Sports Photography2

1Fashion Photoshoot2

A multimedia journey that investigates the phenomenon of hearing2

Print & Branding

Logo Design Logo design, rebranding and the process of scribbling down ideas and drafts, finding the right font and booting it up with Adobe Illustrator. Logo Design Logo design for […]

House Of Commons
MP Website Program, 2009—2013

MP Program June 2009-November 2013 Backbone Technology Inc. Website Design, Project Management, Development, Maintenance, and Graphic Service for the more than 60 Members of Parliament: Lois Brown MP, Newmarket-Aurora Rona […]

Platform Vancouver

Platform Vancouver is a newly designed, full-service casting and production facility conveniently located West of Granville Island in Vancouver, BC. Web design and project management for Backbone Technology.

Educational Software, Game Design & Development

An interactive journey through 12 audio scapes leads the user into the ear and beyond, with the aim of re-awakening a realization of what it means to hear. The CD-ROM […]

Life Drawing, Dr Sketchy

Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School is both a burlesque cabaret and life drawing event. Visit drsketchyvancouver.com and join me.

Trekking Tour Video Clip

Video clip of a 7 days hiking trip, West Coast Trail Vancouver Island, BC 2013. Song by Schiller with Peter Heppner – “Dream of you” The West Coast Trail is […]



You break the rules, you go to prison. You break the prison rules, you go to Alcatraz Prison

Sports Photography

I am passionate about sports photography. It is more than catching the right moment. It is about understanding the movements and the game. Club Locarno is a non-profit, member-run sailing […]

Fashion Photoshoot

Studio photography – behind the scenes Pink & Blue

Lest We Forget –
The everyday life of prisoners at Sachsenhausen concentration camp 1936–1945

Design and production in the capacity of an Interaction Designer, Art Director and Project Manager for L2M3 Communication Design, Stuttgart | Germany Communication Arts Winner Category »Info Design« Press HOW, […]

A multimedia journey that investigates the phenomenon of hearing

Demo Reel (German only) Speaker: Meike Westermann Concept Overview Reel (German only) Speaker: Meike Westermann Our perception of the world is weighted increasingly towards the visual, with the result that […]

Subculture Documentary

Photo documentary on gelatin silver print. Exhibition and magazine publications. The goth subculture is a contemporary subculture found in many countries. It began in England during the early 1980s in […]


Some life drawing sketches I made while on a trip to the zoo

Signs of Zodiak

Photochemical Paintings